Cardboard Sheets from furniture stores - Sheet mulching method

How to Sheet Mulch with Cardboard

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Tips for keeping cardboard set in place

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Step 9: Soak the cardboard layer - Sheet mulching with cardboard

Garden Mulch - Sheet Mulching step by step instructions guide tips - Get that cardboard wet
The next step
Once the cardboard layer is in place, soak them with a garden hose. You can put concrete blocks or bricks on top to prevent windy conditions. After this step, you can proceed to add your weed-free organic materials (compost, mulch, ramial chipped wood, wood chips, soil) over the carboard.
Learn how to soak and prepare carboard layer before to put organic material over it.
Detailed instructions
Mulching with cardboard - How to build a garden bed using sheet mulching method
Sheet mulching with cardboard
How to Sheet Mulch - Convert your lawn by sheet mulching - How to remove grass
Sheet Mulching Instructions
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