How to Make a DIY Wooden Bird Feeder

Build a large bird feeder from reclaimed wood

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Building instructions
  1: Assemble the tray and build the side walls
  2: Inside Framework of the bird feeder
  3: Insert plexiglass in kerfs and build the roof
  4: Mount your large bird feeder on two 4x4 poles
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Large capacity bird feeder design idea
From your window, inside, do you want to watch the wild birds? You're going to have to attract them with birdseed!

In order to feed the birds, you can get a feeder or make one that will suit your needs.

This DIY tutorial presents an idea for making a large capacity bird feeder on a stand from recycled wood.

Ideal for feeding birds in the cold season!
Wooden bird feeder
Bird feeder
Large capacity wooden bird feeder idea
Wooden Bird Feeder
Side wall of the large wooden bird feeder
Bird Feeder DIY
How to frame a wooden bird feeder
Make the platform and both side walls :
Wooden bird feeder sizes shown in this tutorial are 36 inches long x 24 inches in height.

The base of the bird feeder and the side walls are made from recycled barn planks.

For the interior frame, the pieces of wood measuring 1 1/2" x 1 1/2".

Glue the pieces together with wood glue and screw in with treated wood screws.
How to build a bird feeder
Both ends or sidewalls screwed on the wooden tray as bird feeder base
Bird Feeding Station Idea
Using old barn wood
Make the platform and both side walls :
This hopper bird feeder is built from spruce wood (from old barn) but it could have been built from another type of wood like pine or cedar.

It will therefore be necessary to protect the wood from rain in order to prevent the wood from rotting.
Build bird feeder free plan
Large bird feeder made from reclaimed barn wood
Making Homemade Bird Feeder
Large capacity bird feeder design idea
Make the platform and both side walls :
The weight of the bird seed in the hopper will be supported by the base of the bird feeder. It must therefore be very solid.

In addition, you will need to attach this base to a stand or 4x4 posts as poles!

This model of large hopper bird feeder will meet this desire for durability and will attract many kinds of wild birds in your backyard.
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American Gardening Homesteading and Home Improvement DIY Projects
Mounted Large Bird Feeder on Posts - Building Steps
DIY Wooden Bird Feeder
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