How to Build a Floating Deck

Ground level deck framing

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Building Instructions
  1: Plan the foundation and leveling
  2: Frame the ground level deck
  3: Lay the decking
Deck and Garden Structure Projects
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Framing ground level deck
Lay the ground level deck beams
Ground level deck footings
Ground level deck footing options
Build the deck frame :
Lay the deck beams on top of the concrete blocks (into the gaps of de deck blocks). Frame your structure with pressure-treated 2x8s timbers. It's the minimum size (beams) for a solid structure.
Ground level deck - concrete blocks
Attach inner joists
Attach Anchors - Joists
Gravel to level out the ground
Build the deck frame :
Installation of the side beams and the center joists.

The pressure-treated wood used in this project was stained before construction.

A translucent stain was used to protect the ground level deck frame.
Floating decks
Build a ground level deck with deck blocks
Attaching Inner Joists
Ground level deck joist spacing
Build the deck frame :
8 feet long joists are attached every 16 inch (inner joists).

They can be screwed directly with treated-wood screws to the beams to support them or fastened together using joist hangers.
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American Gardening Homesteading and Home Improvement DIY Projects
Platform Deck Building Steps
DIY Floating Deck
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