After the Chick Hatched - Raising Chickens for Eggs
How the chick emerges from the shell
Chicken coop plans - Still air incubator - Hobby farm ideas - From egg incubator to brooder - Laying chickens
Incubation procedures
1: Natural Brooding of Chickens
2: Collecting chicken eggs
3: Candling eggs before incubation
4: Egg Incubator Models
5: Setting Up Incubator: Eggs Position
6: Setting Up Incubator: Incubation Time
7: Setting Up Incubator: Moisture Air circulation
8: Automatic egg turner
9: Candling Eggs during Incubation
10: Hatching Chicken Eggs
11: Post-hatching Care
12: Causes of Failure to Hatch
13: Hatching Calendar - Chart
14: Raising Baby Chicks
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Baby chicks hatching
Caring for baby chicks
What to do with hatched chicken
Post-hatching care for baby chicks
When the eggs have hatched and the chicks are totally out of their shell, remove the vent caps for drying down.
Leave the chicks in the incubator for 24 hours at a temperature of 95ºF.
Tips for Taking Care of Your Newly Hatched Chicks
After the chicks hatched
Caring chicks before setting the brooder
Post-hatching care for baby chicks
Chicks no need to drink and eat during the first 24 hours.
After this period of acclimatization you can place them in a brooder or in a special corner in the hen house (homemade brooder).
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American Gardening Homesteading and Home Improvement DIY Projects
How to Use an Incubator to Hatch Eggs - Step by step Guide
DIY Incubating and Hatching Chicken Eggs
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