Hatching Calendar - Incubating and Hatching Poultry Eggs

Care and incubation of hatching eggs

Chicken roost plans - Chicken hatching process - Backyard chicken project - Printable egg incubation chart
USA Gardening Homesteading and Home Improvement Forum

Incubation procedures
  1: Natural Brooding of Chickens
  2: Collecting chicken eggs
  3: Candling eggs before incubation
  4: Egg Incubator Models
  5: Setting Up Incubator: Eggs Position
  6: Setting Up Incubator: Incubation Time
  7: Setting Up Incubator: Moisture Air circulation
  8: Automatic egg turner
  9: Candling Eggs during Incubation
  10: Hatching Chicken Eggs
  11: Post-hatching Care
  12: Causes of Failure to Hatch
  13: Hatching Calendar - Chart
  14: Raising Baby Chicks
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Setting up automatic egg incubator
Incubation procedures: www.usa-gardening.com
Day Hatching
Temperature ºF
Humidity % Water
1 99.5 57-60 If needed - No
2 99.5 57-60 If needed - No
3 99.5 57-60 If needed - Yes
4 99.5 57-60 If needed - Yes
5 99.5 57-60 If needed - Yes
6 99.5 57-60 If needed - Yes
7 99.5 57-60 If needed Control Yes
8 99.5 57-60 If needed - Yes
9 99.5 57-60 If needed - Yes
10 99.5 57-60 If needed - Yes
11 99.5 57-60 If needed - Yes
12 99.5 57-60 If needed - Yes
13 99.5 57-60 If needed - Yes
14 99.5 57-60 If needed Control Yes
15 99.5 57-60 If needed - Yes
16 99.5 57-60 If needed - Yes
17 99.5 57-60 If needed - Yes
18 99.5 57-60 If needed - Yes
19 99.5 65 + Full Control Yes
20 99.5 65 + Full - No
21 99.5 65 + Full - No
Chicken hatching egg chart - Incubation Time & Temperature Chart
Incubating Chicken Eggs
Hatch chicken eggs with an incubator
Hatching calendar - chart for chicken:
The values in this setting chart are indicative for circulated air incubators.
Chicken hatching egg chart - incubation time and temperature chart
How to settting up an automatic egg incubator
Incubating Chicken Eggs
How to set an automatic incubator
Hatching calendar - chart for chicken:
The values in this setting chart are indicative for circulated air incubators.
Artificial egg incubation - Chicken chicks - Newborn chicks - baby chicks - Homemade egg incubator - Poultry products
The chicken chicks after 21 days of incubation
Keeping baby Chickens
Chicken incubation process
Hatching calendar - chart for chicken:
Before the end of incubation, you must plan to install a chicken brooder.

Inside a chicken coop? Shed?
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American Gardening Homesteading and Home Improvement DIY Projects
How to Use an Incubator to Hatch Eggs - Step by step Guide
DIY Incubating and Hatching Chicken Eggs
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